Our Ghanaian Counterparts by JohnDerek Daniels

Embarking on this trip to Ghana has been nothing short of amazing, offering an immersive dive into the vibrant Culture, Heritage, and History that shows itself in all aspects of this beautiful country. Yet, what made this experience truly memorable and impactful was the pleasure of experiencing everything alongside the Ghanaian teachers in our Cohort. Tete and Liz have outdone themselves in many respects, but maybe most of all in their selection of local educators whose passion is evident in everything they do. The willingness to share their homeland provided every moment with a sense of authenticity and offered a unique opportunity to experience Ghanaian Culture through the eyes of those who actively live within and contribute to it.

Spending time with the Ghanaian educators reminded me of and reinforced an enduring truth that has become increasingly more apparent – our common humanity. Beneath the diverse complexities of our different lives – our varied experiences, backgrounds, and personalities – lies a core of shared dreams and emotions. Regardless of where we come from, we are the same in our pursuit of fulfillment and our efforts to navigate life in pursuit of our best selves.

Throughout this trip, my connection with the Ghanaian teachers has deepened more and more every day, resulting in moments of simple enjoyment just being in each other's company. We've built bonds over the unique distinctions between our cultures that, somehow consistently lead us back to shared perspectives and foundational beliefs. Additionally, our connections were strengthened by universal passions that transcend physical location - a shared love for cuisine, sports, and the simple pleasure of genuine company. It's these aspects that have shed light on the value and beauty of cross-cultural exchange and shared experiences.

I would like to thank each of the Ghanaian teachers for their invaluable contributions to the program and for bringing their unique personalities to our cohort. It was their presence that truly defined the spirit and success of this year's program. Maybe most of all, I am grateful for their patience and understanding when dealing with the American teachers because I’m sure at times they needed it.

John Derek (in the middle) with the Ghanaian Teachers of the WTIG Cohort

Dela (Close Right Side - Yellow/Brown Shirt) and Kwasi (Far Right Side - Blue Shirt) - have been the backbone working tirelessly behind the scenes. I want them to know their efforts are both seen and deeply appreciated. Day in and day out, they've gone above and beyond to ensure the smooth progression of the program, coordinating transportation, handling luggage, arranging meals, and perhaps most memorably, providing the soundtrack for our road trips. Beyond this, they stand out as amazing human beings and genuinely remarkable individuals, making significant impacts within their communities through their incredible work.

Olivia (Left Middle) and Ama (Right Middle) - Are two of the most loving, caring individuals I have ever met. Every morning their quiet warmth brings a brightness to the group, creating an atmosphere that feels lacking in their absence. Whether they are going back and forth at the market bargaining for every American teacher or setting an unreachably high precedent with their amazing vocals you can always count on them to be there for you with a smile.

Godwin (Close Left Side - Floral Shirt) - Comes off in the beginning as a more reserved individual - which I can resonate with greatly and appreciate, but once you get him going the conversation can flow for hours and will be interesting and engaging the entire time. Always willing to share his thoughts, ideas, and perspectives and enthusiastic to break down Ghanaian concepts, and phrases (even the bad words), to help the Americans have a better understanding of his home. You can always count on Godwin to be the best dressed, flyest person in the Cohort and somehow always has an even better shirt ready for the next day.

Ernest (Far Left Side - Pink Shirt) - Is someone who I can confidently say has become a very good friend of mine. It's as if, despite being worlds apart, we somehow converge on numerous shared interests and philosophies about life and the universe. There have been many conversations about incredibly sophisticated concepts regarding societal concepts and our roles within them. Yet, in the next breath, we’ll be goofing around, laughing, or watching Cristiano Ronaldo in the Euros (Side Note that needed to be included: despite CR7 missing a penalty that Ernest was willing to bet his entire livelihood on - he hasn’t lost faith in his favorite player.) Ernest's remarkable work within his community, particularly through sign language interpretation, his lofty ambitions, and his keenness to embrace diverse viewpoints, truly inspire me. I will always be thankful for the experiences we shared during this trip together, from co-teaching a programming lesson for ninth graders to the simple pleasure of breaking bread together.

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to these wonderful people. Their influence made this experience full of learning, laughter, and genuine connection and in many ways has made me in better person.


JohnDerek Daniels

STEM/Technology and Programming, grades 9-12 Church Farm School, Exton, Pennsylvania