I AM FROM, by Ama Acheampong

I am from a home with many mothers,

Where love and chaos, in harmony gather like sisters From a father's love, divided yet whole, Where respect for elders is a virtue beyond, a treasure to hold

 I am from the rhythm of Adowa's beat,

Where graceful steps move to the drum's repeat. I am from the swirl of Kente's colorful might from the culture of "Eti sen" and "Ye fre wo sen?" Where relationships are built with every greeting and every fen.

I am from a family that values faith, with Christianity as our guide Service to humanity, a true definition of my faith.

I am from a daughter's heart that cherishes her father so dear yet fears the day he may leave due to old age's tear.

I am from a spirit that yearns to achieve and grow, with goals to succeed, to learn, and to make a positive impact to show.



Ama Acheampong

Nyigbenya D/A Basic School, English Language 7-9, Ghana