In a world where division and discord often seem to reign supreme, it is easy to lose sight of the transformative power of kindness and gracious space. Yet, these qualities promote empathy and create a more compassionate society.

In WTIG cohort 2024, I have learned and experienced the beauty and value of kindness and gracious space particularly during the meeting with the Ghanaian teachers.

This invited me to reflect on how I can cultivate these qualities in my own life and school community at large. I therefore decided to express myself in the poem below:

 In the midst of life's chaos, we search for a place Where love and light envelop us, in a warm and safe space.

A strong tower to hide in from the world's harshness, there we can unwind and find the peace, left behind.

 This sanctuary is kindness,

It is the gracious space we create

Where hearts can heal, and love can sprout a sense of belonging, a feeling of family

Where empathy and understanding will forever be

 In this sacred space, we find our true selves where our hearts beat with compassion, our souls find worth we connect with others, our bonds grow even stronger.

Together we will arise and shine as bright as the stars.

 Let us cherish this space, this gift so rare and spread kindness far, without a single care-May our very hearts be the soil, where love takes root And gracious space, our truest selves, fruit.


By Olivia Williams

Aflao E.P Basic School Ketu  South District Volta Region, Ghana, English Language and Creative Arts Grade 7 and 8